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shelter + food + water = survival

After 26 hours in airports, I finally landed in Berlin! I wasn't sure what to expect when I hear we were staying in a hostel, so I'm glad I was prepared for anything. One of the funniest moments was arriving to the hostel and seeing the culture shock on my face...let's just say that the Pegasus Hostel was obviously in what used to be socialist East Berlin. The rooms weren't that bad, only because we had 3 instead of 4 people assigned to the room. But I really don't think our room was ever cleaned, and there was one washer and broken dryer, and I had to run to breakfast so the scavenging fourth grade campers wouldn't eat all the food (and I don't function without my morning coffee). After staying here, calling me basic would definitely be interpreted as a compliment, a way of appraising me as a true warrior of Darwinism. I think we all felt the same way at the Pegasus Hostel, and I couldn't help but wonder where the program fee money was going to...


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