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Eat like the Germans!

When in Germany, eat like a German!

Our first night in Berlin, our group ate at Zum Nussbaum, which served traditional German cuisine. This was actually the BEST German restaurant we ate the entire trip, and I highly recommend it! And here, when you order 12 beers, they come out in a wooden shelf and have the drinks lined up from lightest to darkest beer. I had a dark beer, or dunkel bier, as my first beer in Germany. While I still prefer light to dark beer, it was pretty darn good.

Part of the reason this was my favorite restaurant is because of their sauerkraut. It was definitely the best marinated, and traveler's tip: the bacteria in sauerkraut is good for your digestive system (a good thing after all that airport food).

The Germans also know their sausage, and you can't claim to have tried German food without eating bratwurst. It's usually served with bread and sauerkraut or potatoes, and goes very well with your beer at dinner. Don't forget to be adventurous and try the horseradish (good for clearing out sinuses) or a sweet mustard sauce!

Helpful tip: Pack gum for after your adventurous food tastings!

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