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Organ concert?! Call me cultured.

Scenario: You visit the Berlin History Museum and attend a nuclear bunker tour, then visit the embassies and Brandenburg Gate. You have free time on day 1, do you...

A) go back to the hostel for some RNR

B) go out for a drink with the group

C) attend an organ concert

D) explore the nearby streets

My answer: C!

Since it was a Sunday, there was an optional excursion to an organ concert at St. Hedwigs Kathedrale, which is a Catholic church in Berlin. I really suggest going to one if you ever have the chance since it's such a unique experience (and it's free!). It's also great way to spend one hour relaxing after a busy day walking around Berlin. We all enjoyed going to the concert, but also agreed that once was enough, since it takes a unique appreciation of organ music to really love it.

St. Hedwigs Kathedrale

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