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Is it: snow, dandruff, or pollen?

For all those with allergies: be warned! On our second day, I walked outside to find myself surrounded by snow in June! Or, at least I thought it was some kind of weather miracle or extreme global warming side effect. Turns out, the pollen in Berlin looks just like snow, and there was so much of it that it invaded the entire patio and all the rooms. Since there's no air conditioning in Europe, the open windows allowed these little suckers to appear in your bed sheets and socks. Almost all of us had to visit the pharmacy for allergy medicine and something to get rid of those puffy eyes.

The good thing about buying medicine in Germany (and generally in Europe): it is substantially cheaper than in the States. I literally bought a two week's supply for 6 USD.

The and thing about buying medicine in Europe: you need a doctor's prescription for any non-drowsy medication, so either pack the medicine ahead of time, or buy it and take it every night

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