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Club E4 adventure

It's your last night in Berlin, do you...

A) Go explore the city one last time

B) Visit your favorite biergarten or

C) Go on an epic nightlife adventure

As you probably guessed from the title, some of us from the group decided to go out since we heard the nightlife in Berlin was one of the best. We were told by some Germans to try E4, so we took the U (underground subway) to the club. On the way there, I had my first 'oh crap' moment when a poor homeless fell in my lap. But, c'est la vie I guess?! I felt much luckier when I found out it was ladies' night, which meant free endless champagne refills served by shirtless men (which honestly made me slightly uncomfortable). This was of course after we paid cover at the door to some scary looking men and who escorted to the elevator going up to the main floor. But it was pretty awesome, completed with the strobe lights and fog machines. Side note: they definitely like to remix songs a lot. And that night, my friends, was the first time I came back from the club at sunrise (and the rises EVERY morning at 5AM).

Club E4

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