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A hot sec in Stockholm

What's the first thing you do when you fly to Europe?

A) Push past everyone to get off the plane

B) Run to the nearest bathroom

C) Make friends in the Customs line

D) Have a beer

My answer: Have a beer, duh!

First thing I did after a 9 hour flight into Europe was grab a beer to relax and enjoy the next 7 hours until my next flight into Berlin. Although I only flew into Sweden, I did learn a few things about their culture.

1) They have really nice airports in the middle of forests and farmland


2) It smells like shrimp throughout the whole place

I noticed that a lot of the restaurants, in fact almost all of them, sold some sort of shrimp sandwich with unseasoned shrimp, which made it have a shrimpy smell, but not a really bad one.

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