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Meet the group!

This is one of our first group photos at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

Meet LSU in Germany 2017!! All 16 of us - except one person from UL - all go to LSU and come from different majors. From creative writing, to poli sci, to bio pre-med, to HR, to engineering, we had a great and diverse combination of people on the trip. For the next five weeks, we would live together in four different cities, eat almost every meal together, and go out to the biergartens once class would let out.

I also couldn't have been happier to share such an amazing experience with everyone you see here. You bond really well with people when you have to be at breakfast by 8am every morning, study for midterms on train rides, find your way back from the Berlin club at 4 in the morning, and live out of a suite case for over a month. And one thing I found out along the way is that it really is a small world. I actually lived with three of the guys in the business dorms from the year before, and ended up having at least one mutual friend with everyone on the trip!

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