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"Dem Deutschen Volke"

"The German People." In the Republic Square sits the Reichstag: home to the lower house of the Bundestag, which is similar to our House of Representatives. It was constructed between 1871-1894 when the German Empire was unified under a leading Prussia. It caught on fire mysteriously in 1933, and un-coincidentally was taken over by the Nazis at the same time. It was not used under the Nazi regime, but was damaged even more at the end of WWII because the invading Red Army believed that Hitler was there (look at this post to see the Allies' messages written on the walls still left in the building from the invasion!). Michael Jackson also performed in front of the Reichstag in 1988, and in 1990 the reunification was celebrated here as well. It was last renovated in '99 with the construction of the dome, of which are probably my coolest pictures taken!

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